​10 Song Lyrics That Struck Me to My Core | The Odyssey Online
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​10 Song Lyrics That Struck Me to My Core

Songs do more than give us "something to listen to", they dig up feelings that beautifully represent our lives.

​10 Song Lyrics That Struck Me to My Core

This article is response to "8 Self Care ideas That You Can Do In 20 Minutes Or Less".

"Love Will Remember" by Selena Gomez

"Same Old Love" - Selena Gomez.


"Break down the walls, let heaven in

Somewhere in forever, we’ll dance again

We used to be inseparable

I used to think I was irreplaceable

We lift the whole world up before we blew it up

I still don’t know just how we screwed it up

Forever, forever, forever,

Love will remember you

And love will remember me

I know it inside my heart

Forever will forever be ours

Even if we try to forget, love will remember "

"See You When I See You" by Jason Aldean

Jason Aldean and Luke Combs Jason Aldean

" God made this ol' world round

And maybe its that way so the paths we go down

Yeah, I will cross again some day

Some day I'll

See you when I see you

Another place, some other time

If I ever get down your way

Or you're ever up around mine

We'll laugh about the old days

And catch up on the new

Yeah, I'll see you when I see you

And I hope its some day real soon"

"Put You On Game" by Russ

"Do It Myself" by Russ

"Control your emotions, most of the time

It's really not worth it (it's really not)

Don't be ashamed to beat yourself up for not bein' perfect (nobody is)

Don't be entitled, the world doesn't care

If you think you deserve it (sure)

Don't fall in love with someone

'Til you know what's beneath the surface (true)

Protect your space (why?)

People are energy Vampires (facts)"

"I'm Jealous" by Shania Twain

1. "You're still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you're still the one I want for life" - Shania Twain "You're Still The One"www.youtube.com

"When it rains on your face I almost can taste

Your beauty, your grace

I'm jealous of the rain Oh, yeah yeah

Jealous of the rain

When the wind's in your hair

The way it blows through the air

Oh, it seems so unfair


When the moon's in your eyes

You seem to light up the skies


And I realize

I'm even jealous of the moon"

"A Song For Mama" by Boyz II Men

Wanya Morris - Boyz II Men @ Genting Concert 2 | Wanya Morri… | Flickrwww.flickr.com

"Mama, mama, you're the queen of my heart

Your love is like tears from the stars, yes, it is

Mama, I just want you to know, lovin' you is like food to my soul

Yes it is, yes it is, oh, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is, oh

You're always there for me

Have always been around for me, even when I was bad

You showed me right from my wrong

Yes, you did"


4. 'God Only Knows' - for KING & COUNTRYfor KING & COUNTRY Instagram

"I don't know what it's like to be you

You don't know what it's like to be me

What if we're all the same in different kinds of ways

Can you, can you relate?

We both know what it's like to be hurt

We both know what it's like to feel pain

But I think it's safe to say we're on to better days

Can you, can you relate?"

"Save the Best For Last" by Vanessa Williams

File:Vanessa 2.jpg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org

"'Cause how could you give your love to someone else

And share your dreams with me

Sometimes the very thing you're lookin' for

Is the one thing you can't see

But now we're standing face to face

Isn't this world a crazy place?

Just when I thought our chance had passed

You go and save the best for last"

"Love Is" by Brian McKnight feat. Vanessa Williams

File:Brian McKnight 2014.jpg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org

"They say it's a blessing

They say it's a gift

They say it's a miracle, and I believe that it is

It conquers all

But it's a mystery

Love breaks your heart

Love takes no less than everything

Love makes it hard

And fades away so easily"

"The Gift" byJim Brickman (with Collin Raye and Susan Ashton)

File:Jim Brickman musician.jpg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org

"If only time stood still

But the colors fade away

And the years will make us grey

But baby in my eyes

You'll still be beautiful

All I want is to hold you forever

All I need is you more every day

You saved my heart

From being broken apart

You gave your love away

And I'm thankful every day

For the gift"

"We Were" by Keith Urban

File:Keith Urban in PoAH.JPG - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org

"We were just a couple years short of the age

By my name on a fake ID

And still 'bout a hundred away from the day

Your daddy said you could run with me

We were a couple of line steppers

Who just couldn't wait to step over the line

Never thinkin' we wouldn't last

I was your first and you were mine...

Friends say, "Oh well, let that ship sail

You gotta let go of her

Just wasn't meant to be

But somewhere down deep I still believe

That we were"

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