Throughout my time at college, I have seen my productivity change before my eyes. I never made any crazy changes to my life. Instead, I just made these 10 small changes and that did the trick! I have become a productive and organized student with these tips and tricks.
1. Wearing a watch
I never thought that wearing a watch would help my productivity, but it has done wonders! As I type papers or do research on my laptop, I find myself looking more professional with my watch. There's just something about looking like a business person that makes you feel like one. My watch is from Anne Klein and can be purchased at Nordstroms.
2. Getting dressed up for class
Like everyone else, it's not fun waking up at 7:30 am for class and putting on a skirt. Instead, rolling out of bed and throwing on a pair of sweats seems ideal. Unfortunately, sometimes dressing like were in bed leaves us groggy and inattentive. I have realized that throwing on a sweater and jeans or a dress for class, although annoying, can significantly help you learn! I sit up straight, pay attention, and take detailed notes in class when I look my best.
3. Setting my alarm fifteen minutes earlier
Again, this might sound like a drag, but getting up a few minutes earlier every morning gives you time to wake up and process what's going on. Sometimes if you wake up with only a few minutes before you're running out the door, you'll forget to brush your teeth, skip breakfast, or put on two left shoes.
4. Painting my nails
This is a lot like the watch thing. Having painted nails makes me feel professional and put together. It also keeps me from biting my nails when I should be writing a paper or searching the internet for an internship.
5. Working out
I grew up as an un-athletic child with a great metabolism. I could eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted, and still seemed healthy. Unfortunately, my metabolism has slowed down and the need for working out has finally come. At first, this seemed like a nightmare, but after a few days at the gym, I realized the benefits of working out other than muscle tone and weight lose. I feel happier and refreshed after working out. I come back to my room ready to get to work, and easily fall asleep that night.
6. Writing out my schedule
I have always been an organized student, but wasn't the type to write out a daily schedule. But with all my activities and classes, I have needed to start writing it out. Every night I write a schedule of what I need to do that next day and place it on my desk or tape it to my wall. This way I know when I have class, meetings, or exams, plus time for laundry, working out, and seeing my friends. Time management has become my best friend.
7. Eating breakfast
I'm a picky eater and am not a fan of all breakfast foods. I grew up on sugary cereals and Go-Gurt, so transitioning to early morning breakfast was difficult. I want to be healthy, but also eat quickly, which is a hard task on a budget. Sometimes I think I should just skip the meal and go straight to class, but then mid-day, I', starving and stuck in class. Then the second I get out of class, I'm stuffing my face, which revolves in a food baby and then a long nap. A simple muffin or fruit cup in the morning really does wonders for the rest of the day.
8. Drinking water
I hate water. I think it tastes gross and quite frankly, is unappealing. My favorite drink is chocolate milk, but that leads to bloating and fatigue. To help me, I have downloaded the "My Water" app which keeps track of how much water I need to drink and how much I've already had. Everyday that I consume a significant amount of water, I feel healthier and more energetic.
9. Taking up a hobby
Sometimes people don't believe you can have a hobby unless you're talented or skilled. Boy, is that wrong! Over the past few months, I have taken up painting small canvas in my room. Many of them have quotes or flowers on them, and some of them look horrendous. I am no artist in the least, but painting gives me an outlet nothing else has. It's great for some alone time without people and without my phone and laptop (which are always glued to me). Happiness goes hand in hand with productivity, and the happier and more refreshed I feel, the more likely I'll feel good enough to get work accomplished.
10. Planning for downtime
Making specific plans for downtime is important. If your schedule is 100% work and 0% play, you'll feel overworked and exhausted. I like to set aside at least an hour everyday to read, watch a movie, or do something else I love. Its especially good to have this time before bed, so you can unwind and get ready for some great sleep.