Pizza will never neglect you. Pizza will never leave your messages on read receipt. Pizza will never pick that other girl over you. And pizza will never text you at 2 a.m. to come over (except it might be the other way around).
Pizza will always be there for you, and it loves you for exactly who you are. So here are just 10 little reminders that for all the crappy things that a guy might do to you, just remember that you will always have pizza:
1. Enter a ~cheesy~ love quote.

2. Here's a girl who has her priorities straight.

3. And a child who was raised right. Why settle for one slice? The pizza is your slice.

4. A tasty way to express your love. Your love for pizza.

5. Would you like pizza or pasta? Both. Always both.

6. Mac & Cheese pizza. Maybe heaven is right here on Earth.

7. Cute guys or pizza fries? Pizza fries.

8. Pizza topped with pizza. Why? Because we can.

9. Ah, classic cheese. Our first love.

10. Mom always said that the best things in life come with cheese on them. Need we say more?

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