Disclaimer: Some definitions may not make a lot of sense, or they have misspellings; translations will be provided for those who understand plain English language better than the modern language.
The new year is only a short time away; 2016 has been memorable. While there has been many changes, the English language has constantly been changing every year. Teenagers and young adults would understand what slang words mean, and constantly use it as their everyday language no matter the environment. To celebrate the end of 2016, here are commonly used slang words:
Translation: expressing extreme excitement/enthusiasm, a stronger way of saying yes
Translation: another way of saying that you’re being an adult and taking on more responsibilities than usual; commonly used by those who are in their late teens/early 20s
Translation: living up to an expectation and wishing you can be like whichever person
Translation: a group of people who stick together
High key/low key
Translation: high key is being loud about something that everyone can hear; low key is the opposite, to be quiet or secret about something
Translation: expressing that something was so great
Translation: calling the people that are close to you as part of the family
Translation: the expression used when someone does something fabulous; like high key and low key, queen and kween is alternative
Translation: in 2015, it was fleek; snatched in another way of saying that something is so fierce
Netflix and chill
Translation: typically, it is a way to invite someone and be intimate