When you first registered for organic chemistry you didn’t expect your life to change. Every science major who has taken organic chemistry now sees their life in a different way. Everywhere they go, they seem organic chemistry. If that is you then you probably show some or all of these signs that organic chemistry has taken over your life.
1. When every line looks like an organic compound to you.
You see connected lines, you see it as an organic compound and worst of all, you can name it too.
2. It’s not a stop sign, it’s not an octagon, it’s a cycloctane.
Shapes will never be the same again.
3. When a beach chair reminds you of the chair conformation of a cyclohexane.
4. When you start dreaming about it
Whether you’ve had a nightmare of failing an orgo exam or becoming best friends with your orgo professor, we’ve all dreamt about orgo before
5. When you find orgo jokes funny.
Admit it, you’ve laughed at an orgo jokes that your professor made.6. When your normal conversations become all about orgo.
7. When your orgo partner becomes your life partner.
It all started innocently from exchanging phone numbers, but before you knew it, you and your lab partner exchanged rings. Benzene rings.