Going to the gym can be fun, exhilarating, relaxing, and it can feel great especially after a weekend of going out. Those who regularly go to the gym are most likely aware of the unspoken, unwritten rules of behavior, while those who are new may not fully know. Whether you exercise every day or are a newbie to the gym, here are 10 easy do's and don't's of gym behavior to keep in mind:
1. DO wipe down all equipment after use
One of my main pet peeves is when people use the exercise equipment at the gym and leave without wiping it down. It takes less than a minute to grab a towel and wipe your sweat off the machine before another person uses it.
2. DON'T take 10-minute breaks between sets when using a machine
I cannot stand when people spend breaks in between sets looking at their phones for 10 minutes at a time. Obviously, we need a few minutes to rest after a set, but somebody is probably waiting to use the machine after you so be respectful and don't spend too much time at one machine.
3. DO return all equipment that was borrowed
Whether it is simply putting weights back in their place or returning equipment to the counter, do not just leave them on the ground for the staff to find. Doing so is not only disrespectful and lazy, but it can be a tripping hazard for others around you.
4. DON'T spit gum in the water fountains
Within the past two weeks, I have gone to the same water fountain almost every day and found the same two pieces of chewed up gum inside. It is simply disgusting and unsanitary, so it wouldn't kill you to find a nearby trash can to spit your gum into.
5. DO let others go before you when filling up a water bottle
If you're going to fill up a large water bottle at the water fountain and you see someone waiting behind you, it's common courtesy to let them get their drink first. I know you wouldn't want to be stuck waiting behind someone filling up a gallon of water.
6. DON'T stare at others working out
We all must admit that sometimes we zone out and accidentally catch ourselves staring at someone else, but doing so is very uncomfortable and can make someone easily self-conscious. Try to be aware of where you are looking.
7. DO give other people space
If you are running on a track along with other people, do not cut someone off or run too close to them. You can easily hit them on accident, which can be dangerous to both yourself and others. Likewise, do not stand too close to someone using a machine because you can also get hit. Pretty hard.
8. DON'T slam weights down when finished
Slamming down weights obviously makes a very loud sound, which can be a disturbance to others who are trying to concentrate. Not to mention, it can break the machines.
9. DON'T carry your personal belongings onto the floor
I understand if you don't want to keep your things in a locker if you don't have a lock, but if that's the case, then simply buy one. Hauling your bookbag, your jacket and other valuables onto the floor with you can be a tripping hazard for people around you and can cause someone to get hurt.
10. DON'T try to show off in front of people
I don't care if you're running faster than me, lifting more than me, whatever, I'm there to focus on myself. As is everybody else.