Nothing is better than having someone who is going to be there for you for every aspect of your life. Your soul friend is someone that you are the most comfortable with, and you have a true connection. Here are 10 signs you have found "The One".
1. You both judge everything
Any little thing that bothers you, you feel as though you can tell your best friend. When you bring up what bothers you, they completely agree and you go on for about an hour about how a pair of shoes doesn’t match a dress.
2. You complain about the same things.
You’re constantly nagging about what someone did to you on the way to class, or you are talking about how awful traffic is. Your best friend is there to hear you complain as well as complain with you.
3. No topic is too personal.And I mean NONE. No topic is too personal for you and your best friend. You can talk to her about anything gross thing that has happened to you, AND she will still be there for you. She will be by your side through anything and that is how you know you can depend on her.
4. You find excuses to hang out with each other.
You have five essays due with no time to hang out? Just tell your friend you need a study buddy. They will be glad to sit with you and watch you not do homework and instead watch cat videos till the break of dawn. She will be there to motivate you, and then stop once she realizes you only used homework as an excuse to hang out with her.
5. You both get jealous of other friends.
Nothing hurts more than seeing your friend with someone else. You look at their Snapchat stories to see them having a great time without you. You start to think that they have left you for someone better. You start to act like a jealous fool and start being passive with them, leaving them in question due to the fact that they have no idea you’re upset.
6. You visit each other at work.
Their co-workers wonder who has been sitting at Table 200 for the past 5 hours. Your bond is so strong that you will sit through their entire shift just to make sure everything goes well and that they get home safely.
7. Trying to do homework together is impossible.![]()
See #4 again. It is impossible to go five minutes without talking about the cute guy across the room, or the food you want to eat after you study.
8. You have constant couple spats.
You fight over the most minute things. You get upset if they didn’t hear your question. Or you start pestering them on why they didn’t text last night. You argue about what to eat when deciding to go out. You also argue over who is the better driver. You can't escape a spat with them, but you quickly get over it.
9. You want all of their attention.You double, triple, quadruple text them when they haven’t answered their phone in the last 2 minutes. You want their attention. When you are together and they start to look at their phone you get upset with them. They do the same to you.
10. You miss them when they're not around.
All you think about when you are not around your best friend is when you are going to see them again. Nothing is better than being with your best friend. They are there for you till the end.