Being the oldest child is a blessing and a curse. You love them and you hate them, but there isn't anything you wouldn't do to for them. They're your little protégés. And if you have younger siblings, you could definitely relate to the following at some point or another:
Here's 10 signs you're the oldest child:
1. If you’re only with your sibling(s) and one parent, you always get shot gun, no exceptions
You’re lying if you haven’t physically fought one of your siblings for the passenger’s seat. Or at least raced them to the car for it. It’s a right of passage when you’re the oldest.
2. You parent your sibling(s)
Not only are you a big sis or a big bro but you probably found yourself being a second parent quite often,too. And usually when it wasn’t wanted. You're probably familiar with the words, “Shut up you aren’t my mom!” on the regular basis.
3. You're always supposed to set a good example
"Do as I say not as I do," is always the go to for parents, but unfortunately when you're only their sibling, they tend to follow in the footsteps of your actions. And because your parents know this, they always expect you to be setting a good example for your impressionable younger sibling(s).
4. You realize you had to wait until you were way older than your younger sibling(s) to do pretty much anything
I’m still salty I was two years older than my brother was when he got his first cell phone. And first party. And first R-rated movie. It's fine.
5. You're the guinea pig child
Lets face it, parenting is a trial and error process and when you’re the oldest you get to be the first test run!
6. You have protective instincts
You get to torment your younger sibling(s) as much as you want but as soon as someone else tries to mess with them, you don't hesitate to get involved. Whether you are besties with your younger sibling(s) or not, no one gets to mess with them except you.
7. You always have to be an advice guru
Even though I've only been on this planet a couple years longer than you, I still know WAY more than you about everything. The oldest always knows best, right?
8. Your younger siblings(s) get away with way more than you did
Not only did your younger sibling(s) get to do things way younger than you did, they also got off a little easier, at least in your opinion.
9. If your younger brother or sister tries to sit in your seat at the dinner table, World War 3 will be declared
This is an unspoken rule. You're the oldest and were on this planet first. It's completely reasonable that you get the best seat at the dinner table. Your seat probably has the best angle to the TV, too, right?
10. You would do anything for your siblings
No matter how annoying little siblings can be, you know you'd take a bullet for them no matter what. Between standing up for them when needed to volunteering as tribute, you know you'll do anything for your little sibling(s).