In college, going out with our friends is pretty much the only thing that keeps us sane amidst our insane workload and all other daily stress that comes with being a millennial. We look forward to this joyous occasion all week long but some of us more so than others. We all have that one friend who is ALWAYS down to go out, anywhere, anytime...just say the word. In fact, maybe it's you who is guilty of this. You are that fun-loving friend who seizes every opportunity to go out and eagerly spreads those vibes to everyone around them. Yup, we all know that person WAY too well.
Here are 10 signs you're that friend who's always down to go out:
1. You think that staying in is lame and goes against everything you stand for.
2. In fact, you're a firm believer that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take (literally).
3. You are the bad influence in your friend group when everyone is debating going out or not.
4. You will happily throw an outfit together when you find last minute plans.
5. You refuse to let school be an obstacle in your social schedule.
6. Just the same, you'll give your friends a hard time when they say they can't go out because of school work.
7. You're more anxious for it to be the weekend than anyone else.
8. You won't even let bad weather stop you from going out.
9. On the rare occasion that you don't go out, you suffer from the most severe possible case of FOMO.
10. You believe that there's no such thing as "going out too much."
Because let's be real, there is really no such thing.