It’s that time of year! Pumpkins, scary movies, and cooler days are on the horizon! I have always been a little more obsessed with Halloween than the rest of the holidays, so here are some signs you might also have an obsession with Halloween.
1. You're always finding new ways to decorate pumpkins.
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2. Anything creepy is right up your alley.
You probably love haunted houses and scary movies. The more gore and screams, the better!3. Nothing scares you.
You can sit through millions of scary television shows and moviesand you would be totally fine afterwards.
4. Halloween candy is always stocked at your house.
The best part of Halloween is seeing the adorable kids and families in their costumes! And the left over candy makes for a good treat for the next few months!
5. You're always planning next year's Halloween party in advance.
Inviting guests, buying food and drinks, and setting
up decorations are just the start of throwing an amazing Halloween party! After
all those things are taken care of, you have to find an amazing costume to wear
to the party.
6. You're always looking for an excuse to dress up.
No matter how old you are, Halloween is the one time a year that you can dress how you like! So you want to be a witch? Grab that broomstick and wand and go have a good time. Even if you get weird stares, don’t worry about it. There are only so many hours in a day and you should be enjoying all of them!7. You live for Halloween movies.
Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town, and Scream are probably on the list for being some of your favorite movies to watch this time of year, right? Forget going out and partying, pop in one of these movies, make a bag of popcorn, and spend the night with a classic!
8. Your house is the coolest looking one on your street.
You probably spend all year planning new ideas to do in your yard and house. Some people even take the whole month of September to decorate their whole house. Whether you go all out, or just do a little bit of work, you still enjoy the end result!
9. You can’t stop yourself from buying more Halloween themed things.
No matter how many decorations and trinkets you have, as soon as you see something new, you have to have it! I scour stores every year for cool ideas and decorations!