If you're from New York City you will more than likely agree that there is no place like the big apple. There is just something about "the city that never sleeps" that draws people in. However, living in the city, we can take a lot of things for granted. Going away to school in the small town of Dallas, PA I quickly realized how out of my element I was.
1. Nothing is open past 10 p.m.
Seriously, after 10:01 half the town shuts down with the exception of maybe CVS.
2. Driving is a lot less stressful.
New York drivers are definitely known for their aggressiveness. Pennsylvania drivers are a lot more laid back and have less road rage.
3. Pizza just isn't the same.
There is nothing like New York pizza, no matter the type it is.
4. There is no such thing as public transportation.
New York is known for the extensive bus and train systems it has. No public transportation here can compare.
5. No public transportation means driving yourself everywhere.
Everything is at least a five minute drive away.
6. Even if it is close enough to walk to, there are rarely sidewalks.
Most of the time you have to walk on the side of the road.
7. The closest Starbucks is at least twenty minutes away.
In New York they're pretty much everywhere. You can easily walk a few blocks and get your caffeine fix.
8. Corner deli's are non existent.
Seriously they aren't a thing, you have to go to a super market for any and all needs.
9. In PA, you only have to worry about cops giving you tickets.
No need to stress over red light or speed cameras to get you.
10. Once night time comes, forget being able to see.
It's practically black out due to the lack of street lights.
11. Tap water isn't as good.
New York is known for having the best tap water. You can easily stick your head under the faucet and quench your thirst. In PA it just doesn't taste the same.
Although it has been a transition for me I have grown to love the small town of Dallas, Pennsylvania. However I will always be a true native New Yorker at heart.