10 Signs You're Addicted To "Pretty Little Liars" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Signs You're Addicted To "Pretty Little Liars"

Five years forward, but six steps behind A.

10 Signs You're Addicted To "Pretty Little Liars"

The liars are back, in a time machine season. Five years forward has yet to disappoint. The first episode caught the attention of already obsessed viewers by killing the old A, Charlotte, and starting a new game. But let's be honest, you've been obsessed since the beginning. And here's how I can tell:

1. You are severely upset that Spencer and Caleb are a thing.

Why in the world would they tear apart Haleb to make a Spaleb? Your heart is aching at the fact that the brainiac and bad boy are officially offish. Although you're so happy Hannah is with the new foreign bae, you're still low-key pissed that Caleb would even cross Hannah's clique.

2. Why, Toby, why?

He's been the hardest character to like because he's been super shady since the get-go, but why in the world is he dating a Spencer clone? You do have to admit Yvonne is likable, but you know better than to trust a woman from Rosewood. I mean, everyone is off telling a really good lie, right?

3. Ezra's midlife crisis is emotionally draining.

I mean, how can cute, intellectual and older guy Mr. Fitz be so sad? And, c'mon Aria, all women know you can't fix a man. This midlife crisis is getting pretty exhausting, but what is Ezra up to and have the liars really cleared his name in Charlotte's murder?

4. Hairstyles are a major key.

You're still up in the air about Spencer's bangs, but you're obsessed with Aria's cute new shoulder-length look. And the best thing Alison did was lighten her hair. Spencer still rocks the locks, and Hannah looks great with her blonder hair. Age sure did brighten up the Liars.

5. Emily, what is wrong with you?

You know not to trust words from the liars -- to anyone. So what is really up with Emily and her health? You're doing your own detective work about her needles, medication, and phone calls with doctors. What is she not telling her mother, her friends, and us? I mean, seriously, we should've gained their trust by now...

6. Alison is just as shady as before.

You are not surprised whatsoever that Ali blames her friends for her sister's murder right off the bat. I mean, Alison knows better than anyone not to trust a soul in Rosewood. But seriously, Alison? After all they did for you (coming back into town after five years, rescuing you, lying for you, stealing for you, and covering up murders for you), you still can't trust them? Thx Ali.

7. Wait, when did the liars download the emoji keyboard?

The new presentation of A's texts are amazing, but why are the liars just now downloading the emojis? I mean, is Rosewood that behind with technology...? Either way, we love the enthusiasm from the new A. A+ 😉

8. Where in the world did Jenna go?

She was suspicious when she was in Rosewood, but you don't think it's better when she's away either. Honestly, you'd rather have her stirring up trouble in Rosewood than planning something away from Rosewood. The actress confirmed she'd be back in Rosewood someday, but when and why?

9. Who does Sara Harvey think she is?

She is always lurking around the girls, and honestly, it terrifies you, but also makes you so mad. Like, they saved her, Emily took her in and loved her, and now she's gonna play the villain? Oh, no... You're not having it. Is she A, though? You know better than to think the obvious, so your guess is no.

10. WHO IS A?

Here we go again with all the games. But, who is this new A? Is it A at all? Is it someone we know? Is it a liar? I guess we'll find out. A said it best, "It's not over until I say it is."

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