If you're lucky enough to room with a nursing major, you know that things can get a little weird sometimes.
1. They randomly want to practice their nursing skills...on you.
Blood pressure check during breakfast, why not?
2. If you don't know where they're at they are probably at clinical. Or the library. Or drowning in a pool of their own tears.
3. They have a gross sense of humor.
4. They are always the one you ask about any health-related problem.
Does this look infected?
5. You're horrified by the things they have just lying around.
IV bags? Catheters? Needles? No, thank you!
6. You're also horrified by their work stories.
All I'm saying is, nurses should get paid double when there's a full moon.
7. Their room looks like some sort of nursing station.
Cotton balls? Check. Band-aids? Check. Hand sanitize? Check.
8. And it's *usually* pretty neat (keyword being: usually).
Or at least that's what your mom thinks when she comes to visit. What she hasn't seen is what it looks like around finals week when there's only one small circle of carpet visible where they stand to get dressed every morning.
9. You've giggled at their clinical uniforms.
White pants??????