1. Everything in your possession is a hand-me-down from an older sibling or older cousin (maybe your car was your Grandma's, then your sister's, and then when it is on its last leg before death it finally becomes yours…even though it was everyone else's first…)
2. On the upside, you got to do everything your older siblings had to wait to do. The second they get to spend the night at their friends houses you get to try it out too. Shaving, going out on dates, all of that was handed to you because your older sibling(s) paved the way for you.
3. No matter who started the fight it most likely is not your fault, you are the youngest after all. It is up to the older sibling(s) to be mature and not fight with the baby of the family. After all, the youngest sibling is always the most naïve and innocent.
4. No matter how old you get you will always be seen as the “baby" of the family.
5. Your teachers always know who you are before you know them, “Ohhhhh you're so and so's little sibling….I see…."
6. Even though your parents let you get away with maybe more than the older sibling(s), you are still protected more than anyone else in the family. Especially when it comes to dating.
7. You are constantly labeled the "favorite child" by older siblings (but, of course it is true) how could the baby of the family not be the favorite?
8. You are constantly competing or being compared to how the older siblings were at your age in sports, school and everything else. Being the youngest may seem like a breeze, but you are not an only child. There is always someone to compare you to.
9.You are tough. Mostly because you have been in numerous tickles, wet willys and wrestling fights no matter how big you were. You learn to hold your own and roll with the punches (literally).
10. You know you're older siblings will always have your back. As much as they claim to hate you, the second someone else tries to harm you they step in and do their duty as an older sibling.