Before I left to study abroad in London this past summer, I was told that I would be sharing a room in my flat. My initial reaction? A deep breath. I survived sharing a room when I lived in a dorm my freshman year, so I figured that I could do it again since study abroad was only for three months. Alas, I arrived in London, excited to see my new home and where my bedroom was. Slowly I opened the door and there were two sets of bunk beds. I was speechless. I couldn't look away from the horror that was in front of me. Four people…in one room? What was this madness?!
Next, I realized that my dresser aka closet was smaller than anything I've ever seen before. I knew for a fact that my three suitcases and one duffel bag full of clothing would never ever fit into that dresser. I did survive the summer living with three other girls, but to say it was a struggle is an understatement as we all had completely different sleep schedules. Let's just say that I realized that I am a princess who is not meant to share a room. I know that I am not alone in this world with this struggle. Here are ten signs that you weren't born to share a room.
1. You Like Your Space:
Let's face it, sometimes you just want to go into your room, shut the door and be alone. This is 0% possible when you live with three other people.
2. You Like to Get Up and Workout Early:
I'm a busy gal, meaning that I have to get my runs in early in the morning so that I can have time to do everything else the rest of the day. My roommates...weren't exactly appreciative of my early alarm going off telling me to go to the gym/ for a run through Hyde Park.
3. You Are a Night Owl:
Sometimes you just want to dance the night away and not head home until the wee hours of the night. Five am nights certainly did happen in London and people aren't exactly appreciative of the click clack of stilettos walking through the bedroom at that hour.
4. You Have Enough Clothes to Fill Three Closets:
When I arrived to my room with my endless amount of clothing, I knew that there was no way it would fit into the space I was given. So yes, I did have two full suitcases laying out each day because there's no way I could fit it all in my closet.
5. You Don't Want to Use Headphones With Your Netflix:
After a while, headphones and earbuds get annoying. It's even worse when you know you can't blast your Netflix on full volume, because you know that your roommates don't exactly appreciate your love of "Made in Chelsea" or "Blue Mountain State".
6. You Want Privacy With Your Phone Calls:
London gets cold. Even in the summer. Sitting outside to talk to my own parents wasn't the most fun situation to say the least because my roommates were asleep.
7. You Don't Want to Climb/Possibly Fall Out of a Bunk Bed 24/7:
Bunk beds are fun when you're five but not when you're 21. After a late night, no one wants to climb up the ladder into the uncomfortable twin sized bed available to you.
8. Your Roommates Like Different Music Than You:
I love country! They love hip-hop. A difference in preferences? Oh yes. So much yes. Tip: Blast your favorite music in the shower, no one will stop you.
9. You Set 10 Alarms in Order To Wake Up In the Mornings:
Some nights when you're especially tired, you can already predict that it will be extremely difficult to get up in the morning. So you decide to set 10 alarms about five minutes apart from one another. Positive result-You wake up! Yay! Warning: You will get yelled at! I repeat, you will get yelled at!
10. You're A Princess:
I'm a princess. You're a princess. We're all princesses. Enough said.
If one or all of these reasons apply to you, then you certainly need to have your own room. I also learned that you can ask for your own room on study abroad because they always have some available! So if that sounds like something you'd like, then go for it!