So you're from Central Bucks? Then you can definitely relate to these points.
1. You never got a snow day.
Remember that glorious year when Dr. Laws retired and we secured to the position the holy man that was Rod Green? That man kept our safety in mind and gave us those well-deserved snow days that we craved so desperately our entire CB careers.
2. Scandals, scandals and more scandals.
Between the blogging CB East English teacher who claimed her unnamed students were “utterly loathsome,” to the allegations against CB West football (and a few extremely inappropriate student-teacher relationships in between), CBSD is no stranger to scandal. The district would play its media-savvy hand and try to douse the fire, but rumors and whispers got the best of CB and made national news, on more than one occasion.
3. High school was actually kind of hard.
No, it wasn’t college. But with the wide array of AP courses offered and the heavy push from teachers and staff to load up your schedule with as many as possible, you spent a decent amount of time on your homework at night and yes, you actually studied. Sure, college introduced you to a whole new set of academic challenges, but you were prepared and had killerwriting skills.
4. Parking cost an ungodly amount…but you had to do it.
It cost upwards of $100 to secure a spot in the racetrack that came the East, West, or South parking lots. Between the constant fender benders and sliding tires, the school always reasoned the absurd price tag by an equally vague justification, like the lines would be repainted or it allowed for “parking lot cleanup.”
5. You heard names at graduation you’ve never heard before.
With graduating classes at 500+ students, even the most popular of students were by no means known by everyone. The distribution of diplomas was a fast-paced roll call and you're likely still to not know everyone that was in your graduating class.
6. You’ve mastered the art of speed walking.
With the possibility of 400,000 square feet to cover in five minutes, the hallways became a war zone in which you had to bow your head and barge through if you were going to manage to get to your third class of the day even remotely on time.
7. Lockers? What are those?
As mentioned above, East, West, and South were all equally as large that the five-minute class break was no where near enough time. Therefore, lockers became irrelevant and back pain from hauling all your books from point A to point B became a serious concern.
8. No matter where you went, it’s obvious South is the black sheep in the family.
South has limited tradition and is somewhat left out of the East/West rivalry that has a storied history of playing at War Memorial Field in the heart of Doylestown. By strangely setting the opening of the school for the spring semester of 2005 and modeling the school after a ski lodge, South was destined to be weird from the beginning.
9. PIAA Athletics was no joke.
Being AAAA schools that compete in the largest division of Pennsylvania athletics, CB took allsports seriously. From the historic CB West football program to the first state championship brought to South by a team sport coming from the softball team, playoffs were an expectation and both conference and district titles were always a realistic goal.
10. High school had some pretty great times.
It was kind of like the movies, kind of not. We stand proud to come from Central Bucks where we attended homecomings, FTB rivalries, and newly popular hockey games. We danced the night away at prom and headed to prom weekend, senior skip day, and senior week at our respective shore points. I have to say, high school was pretty fun.