Remember in elementary school, when everyone started playing that trust fall game? You get a partner and stand directly in front of them, fall back, and pray to God that they catch you. This was one game I avoided on the playground, I wouldn’t take no part in it. My mind was always doubting the person behind me. What if they don’t catch me? What if i miss and fall somewhere off at a weird angle where they can’t catch me? What if they just want to watch me fall? I even had recurring nightmares that I would stupidly trust someone and fall back into the deep sleep of a coma. Since the invention of that game I’ve come to realize that I have Trust Issues. But I am 110 percent sure that I am not alone on this. You probably have trust issues if you can relate to any of the following:
1. When people confide in you and tell you their deepest secrets you get utterly confused and don’t understand why they are telling you it. You start to wonder how they trust you so easily. You wonder how this whole trust thing has worked out for them.
3. When put in group settings, like group projects, you tend to take the lead. You can’t risking trusting your other group members to complete the work the way it should be done. When people ask to help you just brush them off and use an excuse because you can't risk them letting you down.
4. When people question you about the trust issues you claim you don't have you try to explain your reasoning. They tell you it is wrong to not trust people and your reaction goes something like this.
5. When life hits you hard and you wish you had someone to talk to but you realize there is no one you trust enough to vent to which makes it harder to go through these rough patches.
6. When you enter into a new relationship and you are skeptical on if you can ever trust your new partner. Because everyone keeps telling you relationships are built on trust. So you desperately try and find this 'trust' that they speak of. You communicate this with your significant other and issue them this warning.
7. When you decide to trust someone (rarely) and instantly regret it. You stay up late at night going over the day's conversations in your head trying to determine if you gave out any information you shouldn’t have or if you trusted them too much.
8. Because of these trust issues that you don't admit you have, you tend to keep people in your life at a safe distance. You don't let people get too close to you.
9. You seem to think most relationships will end negatively. So you question every aspect of it just waiting for the eventual doom. When that doom comes you take pride in the fact that you protected your trust and you were right.
10. You are probably reading this and Laughing out Loud until you realize that I'm right and you do indeed have trust issues.