Ron Swanson. He's anti-government yet works for the government, loves hunting and fishing and eating meat, sarcastic, boarder-line harsh sometimes, and on. Safe to say he's quite the complicated guy. Yet what's interesting is how relatable Ron Swanson is. (Don't tell him I say that because it will only make him mad.)
Here are 10 signs you might actually be (your own version of) Rod Swanson.
1. When someone says, "Aw, come on you know you love me," this is your response:
2. Your pet decides paw at your face until you get up and feed them:
3. That face you make when someone's eying your ice cream:
4. Happy dancing away from responsibilities like:
5. You're only truly happy when you're eating bacon.
6. Once you get a little bit of alcohol in you, you think you can dance.
7. When the web browser takes to long to open:
8. Sometimes you just want to be left alone.
9. You both give great advice when it comes to alcohol.
10. When you show the slightest bit of affection:
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