Recently Niantic and the Nintendo Company have released a new game called Pokemon Go that is taking the nation by storm. People of all different ages are getting to play the game the knew and loved as children. The best part about the game is that it gets you up and moving, because you gotta catch em' all right? The game has become so popular that it has become apart of some people's daily routines. Here are 10 warning signs that you may be addicted to Pokemon Go!
1. The first thing you do when you get to any new location is search for a new Pokemon.
To be honest, I can't wait to go on vacation this year to the beach just so I can catch a ton of new Pokemon. Just as it is in the original Pokemon games, there are different Pokemon scattered throughout different towns. Pokemon Go isn't just about sitting in your room all day, you need to get up and move to get some new Pokemon coming to you.
2. Admit it, you've spent at least SOME money on the game.
In the game, there are options to spend $0.99, $4.99, $9.99, $19.99, $39.99, and obviously the big $99.99. You're such a Pokemon master that you've AT LEAST bought 550 Pokecoins for $4.99. Hopefully nobody was hardcore enough to buy the hundred-dollar package of coins..
3. You are constantly asking people if they've downloaded the game.
When you tell your friends that you've just downloaded the new Pokemon game that is bringing your childhood back to life and they respond with "Oh that's stupid I'm not downloading that" you tend to get seriously offended and you have some major points to back up your thoughts on why it is the best thing to happen to America in forever. Then once you've proven your point and they see how cool the game is you usually convince them to get the game as well and they become just as addicted as you are.
4. You and your friends have driven around hunting Pokemon at least once.
When your friends text you and say that they want to go Pokemon hunting you jump right on board and go along for the ride. You waste tons of money on gas, but catching that Charizard is more important to you than your paycheck right now. Remember friends, if you're the driver, don't Pokemon Go and drive!
5. You have at least 50 Pokemon already even though you JUST got the game.
The first time you figured out how to catch a Pokemon you were in awe. You couldn't believe that there was a Rattata sitting on your bed, or a Squirtle in your bathroom. Pokemon are like chips, you can't have just one!
6. If you have a job, your boss or a co-worker has yelled at you at least once for playing the game while on the job.
The picture says it all.
7. You and your friends compare your Pokemon together.
It's always fun to see who has the most Pokemon out of you and your friends. When you look at other people's collections and see that yours is better you feel awesome about yourself and you think your a Pokemon master.
8. If a family member asks where you're going and you say Pokemon hunting they completely understand.
The first night I went Pokemon hunting with my friends my mom was so confused when I told her what was happening. Now I can text her and tell her I'm out catching Pokemon and she completely understands and I'll come home and she will proceed to ask me what all I caught while I was out.
9. When you talk to someone who has just gotten the game you immediately ask "Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur?"
As all Pokemon fanatics know, there are three starting Pokemon; Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur. It's always fun to ask other trainers what their starting Pokemon was and why they chose that one, even though most people just respond with "because he's the cutest one!"
10. You and your friends help each other out when hunting for Pokemon.
You and your friends are just like Ash Ketchum and his friends Misty and Brock. You give each other hints on when and where to find Pokemon and even give them tips on evolving or transferring that they may not have known about.
Pokemon Go may appear as a waste of time to some people, but to all you trainers I say go out and catch em' all my friends!