Wayne County, a county hardly known by the rest of the world but home to over 100,000 people, has many aspects that make it unique. Here are 10 signs you live in Wayne County, Ohio.
1. You know Wooster is pronounced Wuh-ster and not Wooooooster.
2. You can’t go 10 miles down the highway without passing a Grandpa’s Cheesebarn billboard and a sign reminding you that Hell is, in fact, real.
3. “Drive your tractor to school day” is as anxiously awaited as prom.
4. The smell of Lerch’s donuts is identifiable from a mile away.
5. Taking a week off school to show your animals at the Wayne County Fair is no big deal.
6. The closest mall is a good hour away...but it’s okay, you were just there a month ago.
7. In the summer, no matter where you are, you can see the corn growing in the distance.
And, more importantly, you know it’ll be knee high by the 4th of July!
8. Having to slow down behind an Amish buggy is a common occurrence.
9. Colleges are everywhere.
Between the University of Akron Wayne College, the College of Wooster, and the OSU ATI, living at home while attending college is easy.