When growing up in a small town, there was a constant battle of love and hate. You loved how close you were to everyone, but hated how apparently everyone knew more about you than you knew about yourself. Growing up in a small town was not always exciting, but it made you appreciate the little things in life.
1. Walmart was your playground
Whenever you had nothing to do, you always turned to your friends and said, "how about we go walk around Walmart" or "lets go play the Walmart game."
2. Homecoming was a REALLY big deal
The rival between grades was like a battle to the death. Girls also spent their entire childhood dreaming of being on homecoming court.
3. You could name everyone in your graduating class
The people you sat by on graduation day was probably the same people you watched eat their boogers in kindergarten.
4. You have been late to an event because you got stuck behind a train
Getting stuck behind a train was an every day thing, but eventually you learned to time them just right.
5. When people ask where you are from you just tell them the nearest big city
You learned to stop telling people where you were really from because they never knew where it was.
6. You were often confused for your older siblings
People tended to call you by your older sibling's name or forget about your existence all together.
7. Football was life
Everyone spent Friday nights at your high school football stadium because there was nothing else to do.
8. You know just about everyone
You cannot go anywhere in your town without running into someone you know.
9. Being famous was easy
You probably made the county newspaper 379,297,675,107 times growing up.
10. Your small town made you who you are today
You may have hated it growing up, but you'll miss it when you are gone.