1. You can recite the 4H pledge in your sleep. Head, heart, hands, health - we got it.
2. Your pig is your best friend.
3. And yet, even though your pig is your best friend, you're still okay with eating pork (we like pig butts and we cannot lie).
4. The purple ribbon is everything.
SEE ALSO:The 'Truth' About Being Country
5. Dickie boots, cutoff shirts, and cargo shorts.
6.There's no such thing as a night off. Unless it's a night off spent with your cow.
7. The livestock auction is the "moment of truth" - and pretty much determines your financial future and the emotional state of your parents for the next week.
8. You're proudest achievements consist of chicken trophies and rainbow participation ribbons.
9. You constantly judge the people who visit the Fair and want to hear every little detail about your project, because they apparently don't know what animals are.
10. You hang out with the same people every year, but only once a year. And after Fair is over? It's like you never knew them.
To me, there is no better way to grow up than as a 4-H kid. It's an experience I will never forget and always cherish!