Southwestern University has definitely developed its own culture throughout the many years we've been around (175 to be exact). Students become a part of this culture whether they realize it or not and it shapes who you are as a student.
1. Ella has become one of your favorite people.
Ella definitely brings a new level to campus energy. Every week I wait just for Friday to hear Ella yelling "IT'S FRIDAY YAYUHHH" and countless other students do too. Her sweet and infectious energy definitely gives students the boost they need to keep moving through their week or to finish it out strong.
2. You have Paideia moments almost everyday.
Ah Paideia, encouraging learning across disciplines for every student hoping to attain a liberal arts education. When they were first introduced sure you scoffed and thought "I'll never have any of those" and then they started happening, all the time. Southwestern does such a good job at encouraging them and the courses you take somehow always seem to be connected in one way or another. Paideia moments are inescapable.
3. President Burger has sat down with you/talked to you/knows you.
President Burger has always had a high level of campus presence, it's almost inevitable that at some point during your time at Southwestern you will have an extended conversation with him. That's one of the cool things about Southwestern, we go to a school small enough where it's easy for the President to get around to all his students and to know a large majority of them by name. Just the other day President Burger joined in on a meeting of mine in The Cove, last year he helped me load giant wooden letters for my sorority into a car so I could move them across campus, he's everywhere and always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear, even if it's not serious.
4. Small classes are completely normal.
Southwestern has pretty small classes if we're being honest. This is nice though, it gives us an opportunity to get to know our professor and I think it allows us to learn better. If it weren't for those small classes I, and many other students, would never have had the privilege of meeting with and talking to some of the most understanding and the most helpful professors ever. In addition, small class size gives us the ability to learn so much more from our professors, who are some of the wisest people in the world.
5. Every touchdown is a victory.
Our football team just returned and with it came so much more school spirit. Students cheer for the team and every touchdown like it's a victory because we're doing so well for a team that has only existed for three years. This continues to solidify the school spirit we feel and it lets our team know we're proud of them no matter what the outcome. We may not win every game but we're getting there, and when we do win it's even more sweet.
6. You have learned to navigate even the weirdest buildings.
One of the things Southwestern has done throughout the years is just build onto buildings that already exist to accommodate the growth of the student body. The library can be a maze occasionally but it's easy enough to figure out to a student, and the FAB is just another building once you've had a class there.
7. People have no idea where you go to school.
Especially adults. If you tell them you go to Southwestern the most common response is "OHHH you mean Texas State!" But we do not mean Texas State, at this point you're used to it and just brush it off, or you lead with "I go to Southwestern University in Georgetown." It doesn't matter if they know, you love your school either way.
8. You leave offerings for Monstrous.
If you have a big test coming up you make sure to stop by the horse statue to leave a snack and hope for good luck on your test in return. This seems especially helpful after you've pulled an all nighter in the library and you have snacks left that you didn't eat.
9. You can utilize the thinnest 1-ply toilet paper to your advantage.
Do I need to say much more on this? At this point every student at Southwestern knows how to get by on what could be the cheapest toilet paper on the market.
10. Word travels fast.
No matter what is happening, whether it's between two people or it's an entire organization, everyone always knows everyone else's business. It's just the nature of a small school, but on the bright side no one has any secrets as a result.
Of course there are many other ways to tell you're a Southwestern student as well, but these are some of the biggest ones in my opinion.