So you had a few wonderful years of being an only child. A time when you were the shining light of everyone’s life and everything you did was praised.
And while your parents may think those two and a half years were insignificant, they were not. Those years left marks, and because of that, there are a few telltale signs that you are indeed the oldest child.
1. You have a serious problem with sharing
Your sibling was born into the world having to share, but you weren’t born with such a burden.
2. Attention
You will basically do anything, anytime, anywhere, no matter how old you are, to get a sliver of the attention you used to get before your brother or sister came and stole the show.
3. You are enraged the first time they get away with something
Especially something you never would’ve gotten away with at their age.
4. And then you learn to accept it as a fact of life
5. And anything they do wrong, you get blamed for because "you’re the example"
6. And you’re forever upset that they’re the cuter one
Because you can no longer use your own cuteness to get away with everything.
7. You feel a great responsibility to be an extra parental figure
8. But at the same time you want to be cool and be their best friend
8. But eventually you have to admit ...
... you’re kind of happy because you have a built-in friend your whole life.
9. And when they start getting older ...
... you’re filled with mixed emotions because they’re your little sibling, but you’re also filled with pride. And of course you take a sliver of the credit for anything cool they do -- I mean, you are “the example,” after all.
10. And even though you loved being the star of the show ...
... you would never trade the years of being forced to share, annoying each other to no end, having a partner in crime, and growing up next to someone you love.