How does one know when they’re way too involved? It could be the lack of sleep, lack of appetite and absolute lack of any free time to do something just because you want to. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like you’re drowning, you may need to learn to take some time for yourself every once in a while. Here are 10 signs that may mean you need to slow down sometimes.
1. You have no more time for fun.
What even is a night out? Your schedule certainly doesn't allow for it.
2. You start to realize you need more than 24 hours in a day.
3. The realization comes that getting eight hours of sleep is you've befriended coffee.
4. You are very over your schoolwork.
5. People hardly ever see you for more than five minutes because you are always in a rush and on the go.
6. Your parents are getting worried about your well-being.
7. There is very rarely time in the day for you to go through social media.
So you are that person liking pictures and tweets days later when you finally get a free minute. It is a beautiful reunion between you are your Instagram.