Growing up as a left-handed person, there is no doubt I have faced some struggle. Left-handers make up 10% of the population--talk about the odd man out. As a minuscule part of society, it is clear that the world was not made for us. It has been said that left-handed people die nine years earlier than right-handed people--what more do we need to say about our struggles? Here are 10 signs you are a lefty (and proud of it).
1. You have an excuse if your hand writing is horrible
It isn't surprising when a left-hander has terrible hand writing, we are notorious for having bad hand writing (I have received this multiple times and my excuse every time has been that I am left-handed). We even say doctors have terrible writing--come on, it's obvious ... They're all left handed (we're geniuses, duh).
2. Someone in your life has tried to change it
My mom always knew I was going to be a lefty ever since I was born because I would grab everything with my left hand. Well, my Grandpa didn't take that lightly. Apparently he tried to change that quickly and would force me to use my right hand. Sorry, I'm a lefty--there's no changing us!
3. You have been told before you're evil
Growing up is hard enough, then to add on it you're left handed. It has been said that devilish entities have been associated with left-handedness--lets just say kids take this pretty seriously. And never give it up. As lefties, we have been the center of many jokes about being "evil." However, when they once threw water at me I didn't melt. Take that, righties.
4. There are MANY objects that are impossible to use
I could no doubt write an entire book on this, but I will have to make this list short: pens, sharpies, kiosks, scissors, spiral notebooks, binders, pens at banks, desks in class ...
We experience the lefty rub, need I say more?
5. We are always forced to sit in the corner
These bad boys are virtually non-existent. And when they are, 10 times out of 10 they are tucked far, far away in the corner of the classroom. I guess it's just another sign that no one wants to be around us lefties. Sorry not sorry that we're just plain awesome.
6. No one ever wants to sit next to you during meals
Ah, dinner time. The one time where no one wants to sit next to you if you're left handed. If we are sat next to a righty, from time to time we will bump them with our elbows. Sorry, it's just going to happen.
7. You've been asked multiple times if you're an artist
Lefties are known for using their right-brain and being more creative than righties. Because of this, everyone automatically assumes that we aspire to be artists and that our only capabilities are creative. There's definitely nothing else to us, right?
8. You have a greater bond with presidents
In the past three decades, there has only been one right-handed president. This pretty much just shows that we are superior and better qualified to lead (and also because we're just straight up awesome).
9. You can't count how many times you've been asked if you're left-handed
Your face when you write with your left hand and someone just HAS to ask you if you're left-handed. No, we do not just use that hand because it's fun--why are you asking us?
10. You wouldn't ever want to change it
As lefties we get a lot of crap, but we would never want to change it. It is a part of what makes us different and something we get to bond over--which usually revolves around talking about how annoying your comments probably are. So, embrace your lefty friends, because one day they might end up being the next president.