Okay, I am no pro on giving advice, but when it comes to enjoying college while maintaining good grades, I’m your gal!
1. First of all, if you’re partying every night with no worry about school, then you are doing college all wrong…ALREADY!
Trust me, I know. Notice that the headline photo is of people partying and people studying. Notice the studying group is a drawing. That is because I could not find any college students studying that looked authentic, they all looked way too fake! I keep it real (so I used the drawing).
You need to be able to find a way to balance having fun and staying responsible, school wise.
Because one day you’ll be partying and it’ll hit you- you'll be behind on your school work and, well, it’ll suck.
2.Get yourself on a roll! Get in the habit of putting school first! Get your work done so you can have time to relax and go out with friends!
4. Mark important things in a planner!
Have reminders and alarms so you can remember important dates, assignments and quizzes. Trust me, when you don’t write down these things you’ll head to class one day still ‘recovering’ from the last night of fun, thinking you can get through the next class with sun glasses and a sweater, saying to yourself “maybe I can sleep through most of th…” and then suddenly you’ll be reminded by the professor that there is a midterm quiz today! … too much info?
Well, point being it’ll hit you like a ton of bricks! Or, a soccer ball to the head.
5. Set big goals, but also don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Believe me, you’ll be stuck with a ton of work and it’ll feel like a blow to the…well, just look at this gif (& in this case, it’ll hit you more then once).
6. Don’t party too much!
I know it’s fun and all, but partying every other night wares you out! It’s fun to go out with friends, dance and have a good time, but it is also fun to get what you need done, sit down and watch something on Netflix! Don’t underestimate the joy of having a nice relaxing night at home with yourself.
There may come a point where your grades are all A’s, you go out every other night and feel on top of the world. Take a deep breath and remember what is important. Remember, you are here to STUDY. Don’t get lost in all of this partying, take a step back and remind yourself what your priorities are. There’s no gif for that, so here are some star trek dudes shooting a hot dog and the other one is just because they’re so cute.
9. One thing people forget when they get caught up in doing all this school work is…JUST HAVE FUN!
I know I said don't party too much and focus on school but also enjoy yourself. You do not need a party to enjoy yourself, there are tons of things to do every single day- especially if you are a college student! College is suppose to be some of the best times of your life, so enjoy it!