Despite popular belief, addiction to concerts and live shows is very real! If you are like me, you spend the long winter months planning your summer concert calendar and longing for those incredible nights. For concert addicts, each day consists of meticulously checking for new tours, prioritizing artists and attempting to make enough money to pay for all these expensive shows. And while seeing every show is unfortunately impossible, true concert addicts will most certainly die trying. Here are 10 signs you are true concert addict and not afraid to admit it.
1. Purchasing tickets stresses you out beyond belief.
For any concert addict, the moment those tickets go on sale is one filled with unbelievable stress and anxiety. Will I get them? What if my computer crashes? Should I open the ticket site on 35 tabs just in case? What will life be if I don't get them? Each passing moment raises the heartrate ten fold, however, there is no greater feeling than seeing those tickets show up on the screen.
2. You hit the purchase button without any thought whatsoever.
Once those beautiful tickets are within reach, your automatic first response is to hit purchase. It doesn't matter whether you can afford them or are even sure you can make the date, you just NEED to have them. For many concert addicts, there have most certainly been times when you wonder where the money came from, but are not about to question it!
3. You are signed up for every fan club and special offer in order to make sure you get presale codes.
Presale codes are the key to ensuring good seats and reduced stress. There are many ways to receive these codes including fan clubs, memberships, and subscriptions and concert addicts are willing to sign up for or do just about ANYTHING in the hopes of receiving a chance to purchase tickets early. In those cases where there is simply nothing that can be done, you find yourself endlessly searching the web for presale opportunities and codes; some may even resort to guessing!
4. You become unimaginably excited when a new tour gets announced.
Each and every time an artist announces a tour, you become incredibly, uncontrollably excited and no doubt make all your fellow concertgoers aware of the news. This excitement is only multiplied upon finding out the tour is coming to your favorite venue or arena!
5. You have an absolute favorite venue...and you've been there at least 10 times.
Every concert addict has their favorite venues and have attended multiple shows at them. These venues never fail to deliver a top rate experience and you know the environment is never going to be anything less than incredible!
6. You've taken half of the summer off from work.
Despite the necessity for funds to afford the endless concerts, you have managed to take half the summer off from work. Priorities, right?
7. You hate being asked who you've seen because you can never remember them all.
Many concert addicts have been to an incredible number of shows and being asked who you've seen so far brings on stress, followed by stuttering and fumbling around for names.
8. The excitement leading up to a concert is unbearable.
There is no feeling comparable to the days, hours and minutes leading up to the big show you've been waiting months for. When the moment finally comes for the show to start, the built up excitement is finally released and there is simply no greater feeling.
9. You are incredibly sad when a concert is over.
The moment the show ends, you are filled with sadness and wish only that it would never end. However, you know there is another concert soon to come and remember that you had an amazing and unforgettable experience.
10. You have made amazing friends because of your concert addiction.
Concert-goers are some of the most amazing people and never fail to have a good time. These people will not only be there through every concert, but will be there when you need them the most. For every concert addict, it's not about the artist or the venue, it's about the unforgettable experiences, incredible music and unbreakable bonds!