There is no mistaking it. If you fit these categories, then you are a basic white girl. Embrace it, chick! Flaunt your spunky spirit and celebrate your corny heart! You help make the world go round with your bright smile and sweet compassion. You are a gem to have in life! Stay basic!
1. Your manicured nails always match your mood
If you're feeling down, a dark shade it is. if you're feeling happy, bright and bold. You can always look at a BWG's nails and know how she is feeling. It's not just the color that gives it away. If the paint is chipped or the nails are cracking, our BWG is most def stressed to the max. At this point, take her out to get a new manicure and let her spill the beans on why she's upset. And as for you, BWG, don't let anything dull the shine of your smile or the sparkle of your nails!!
2. You can "text talk" better than you can actually talk
You are so accustomed to typing "LOLs" and "OMGs" that you can't possibly speak without them. Your vocabulary is filled with shortened words and abbreviations. It's def your fav way to communicate. Besides, you're basically a walking emoji. Your facial expressions naturally match them to a tee. Not to mention, you can't help but blow a kiss before leaving somewhere.
3. Selfies are essential
Are milestones even special without a selfie? NEVER! Selfies are a must for everything. They commemorate all of a BWG's fav moments and capture endless memories. And the captions are always cuter than a button. You take pride in making sure your adventures are documented. Fruit pics in the summer and coffee pics in the winter. It's tradition! Duck face or deuces??
4. You're addicted to chicken nuggets
"You've had Chic Fil A 5 days in a row"
"Make it six!!"
Chicken nuggets are life. They are bite sized bits of heaven. They're perfect for any time of the day: breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time, snack time, bed time, midnight. Great for lonely nights and Netflix binge watching. They're cute, yummy, and wallet friendly! A BWG's bestie for the restie!
5. Festivities are your fav
Whether it's pulling an all nighter to create the tackiest Christmas sweater or throwing together the most memorable New Year's Eve Party, festivities are your thing, your fav thing. You love to participate in every holiday event and there's no doubt you go all out. Your inner BWG shines through and you bring life to every party.
6. You fall in love with Fall
You do enjoy every holiday, but fall can't be beat. It's time to carve your initials in pumpkins and bring out the UGGS. Colder weather means cuter selfies in your scarves and sweaters. It gets chilly outside but your heart gets warm on the inside! Bonfires, Halloween, cuddles, and pumpkin spice. The leaves are falling and so are you!
7. You love life
Your goal everyday is to make someone happy including yourself. You always have a smile and you share it with all those around you! You have a heart for adventure and a wandering spirit, but it makes you such a treasure. You love life and all of its twists. BWGs rarely see the bad unless they don't get their coffee. You want excitement and fun and you will seek it out! Grab your bestie and and explore the world!
To all my fellow BWGs, I love you, girls!