I am a parent. However, I'm not a parent in the traditional sense. I am a dog parent. What is a dog parent you may ask? A dog parent is a person who believes that their dog is their baby and treats them as such. If you're not quite sure if you fall under the "dog parent" category, read these signs and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out where you stand.
1. You'd rather stay in
Going out to bars or fraternity parties doesn't sound as good as it used to. You would much rather stay in with some Netflix and your dog because let's face it, what's better than puppy snuggles?
2. You refer to them as your "baby"
This one should be pretty self explanatory. I refer to my dog as "baby" or "baby boy" more than I do his actual name because to me he's more than just a dog.
3. You buy them clothes/accessories
My dog has a sweatshirt, a winter jacket, a winter hat, and bandannas in every color. You probably buy your dog way too many clothes and accessories that they'll only wear once but you just can't help yourself.
4. 90% of your camera roll is of them
You take more pictures of your dog than anything else. I swear I have more selfies with my dog than I do my friends. It just comes with the territory. Anything and everything they do, must be documented.
5. You're picky about what they eat
Odds are, you read your dog's food ingredients more closely than yours. You splurge on the healthier stuff because you want your dog to have the best. But when it comes to your food, Ramen Noodles and Easy Mac is where it's at.
6. You freak out over little incidents
If your dog gets even the tiniest cut, the world is ending. You rush to the bathroom to begin the process of sanitizing and healing. You then will watch them for the next couple of hours to make sure they are feeling alright. Nothing is going to happen to your baby on your watch.
7. You post tons of pictures on Instagram
Your Instagram profile is full of pictures of your dog. Pictures of them by themselves, selfies of the two of you, and even cute videos of your dog playing fetch or rolling over. You make sure everyone knows that you're a dog parent and damn proud of it.
8. You constantly text the dog sitter
When you're away for the weekend you can bet that you'll be texting the dog sitter constantly. You're repeatedly asking how their doing, what their doing, and if they miss you. Being away from them gives you an anxiety you can't explain.
9. You can't wait to come home to them
Being out and about or in class is torture. You're always wondering what they're doing and can't wait to get back home to them. Nothing beats seeing their wagging tail and happy smile as you walk through that door from a long day.
10. You put their needs before your own
If money is running low, you always make sure that your dog has everything they could need before you even think about yourself. You feed them before you feed yourself. You take them to the bathroom before you use the bathroom. You rearrange your schedule to take them to the vet. You always make sure that they're taken care of.
If you notice that you do most of these things then welcome to the dog parent world! It's a great place to be. It's full of puppy kisses/snuggles and unconditional love. Be proud and show off your little fur baby. Hell, even pick up one of those "dog mom" or "doggy dad" bumper stickers. Let the world know that you're a doggy parent and damn proud of it.