For some reason, there is a stigma around girls and guys being friends. I mean, how is there even a stigma of that sort when shows like Friends and New Girl exist? I don't get it. However, even with such weird stigmas, most of the girls I am friends with have a slew of guy friends that they hang out with, including myself. However, each girl in my circle of friends has that one guy that is her Ride or Die, and here's how you can easily identify almost any girl's Ride or Die best guy friend.
1. Most of the time you spend your weekends hanging out with them. When you don't hang out, it's basically texting 24/7.
Because OBVIOUSLY, who else are you going to text about the fact you just saw some guy wearing a shirt of your guy's favorite anime?
2. You both spend time binge watching television shows together.
All. The. Time. Except for the times when you guys actually do go out and do stuff.
3. Most of the things that come out of your mouth are remotely sarcastic.
Basically your whole friendship consists of you two giving snide remarks to the other. It gets out of control once it leaves the comfort zone of friendship and enters reality though.
4. 90% of the time you two hang out, you get the classic, "Y'all Dating yet?"
One word: No. Stop asking.
5. You're pretty good at most of the obscure video games he likes.
Most of your female friends won't be up to playing the newest Dragon Ball Z app on their phones, so that leaves him.
6. You guys are always 100% honest with each other about anything [And I do mean ANYTHING].
Like that one time you told him you forgot to put in a tampon... Oops.
7. He's your go to person when you have a guy crisis...
And of course, he's also the one to give you brilliant sage advice about guys.
8. Just as you're his go to person when he has a girl crisis.
Except in your case: Most of the time you're the realist, and he's... Well in full panic mode over a missing sock.
9. You help each other build confidence until you both are of highest confidence.
That's a no brainer: Confidence is key to anything.
10. You probably think you two should date, but you just don't know quite yet since he's been such an awesome friend.
Because you don't know if you want to lose an incredible friendship or take a risk at happily ever after. It IS a gamble after all.
So the next time you see your best guy friend, run up to him and give him a big hug because he's definitely a keeper to have around in your life.