If you are anything like my friends and I, your entire high school career revolved around doing musicals. Here are 10 things that you can probably relate to if you were (or still are) a theater kid.
1. There was nothing more exciting than when your teacher announced what musical your school was doing that year.
And if it was something that you've never heard of before, you probably went straight home and listened to the entire album on repeat, watched Youtube videos of live Broadway performances, and casted who would play each part in your high school's production in your head.
2. The wait to finally see the cast list felt like an eternity.
The day that it was posted felt like Christmas morning. Everyone made sure to get to school extra early that day, and if your friends saw it before you they weren't allowed to tell you because you just had to see it for yourself.
3. And when the cast list was finally posted, there was most likely a ton of drama to follow with it.
But really though, some people took that so seriously. If they didn't get the part that they wanted you knew that you should probably stay away from them for at least a week.
4. That feeling when you finally got somewhat of a big part.
Getting a lead was basically the same as getting a promotion at your job!
5. But then realizing how many lines you had to remember...
The idea of having a lead part in the show sounded like so much fun...until you realized how much that character actually had to talk because, you know...they're the lead.
6. And the fact that you actually had to sing in front of other people.
Sure you can sound like Mariah Carey in the shower, but now you had to do that in front of people! Yikes.
7. There was always that one person that felt the need to one-up everyone.
Even if they had one line in the entire show, they always had to make sure that their presence was known.
8. Having scenes with people you hardly knew might have been weird at first, but in the end they most likely became your best friends.
After spending every single day together at rehearsal, your cast basically became your second family.
9. After months and months of rehearsing, your cast was finally ready for opening night.
With all of the blood, sweat and tears (literally) that was put into rehearsals, you knew those dance moves like the back of your hand.