Well... Donald J. Trump. What a guy. He's won the plurality of delegates at the time of writing this article and he could very well be the Republican Party's presidential nominee. Now a candidate is nothing without their loyal supporters and if you're nosy like I am you probably want to know who everyone is voting for. You could just ask someone who they're voting for but what fun is that? Here are 10 signs that someone is a Donald J. Trump supporter...
1. They pronounce Muslim as "Mooslim."
Yeah, this is how some people pronounce Muslim. I'm not saying that every Trump supporter pronounces the word this way, but the probability of them being Trump supporters does increase heavily if they do.
2. They have one of those "Make America Great Again" hats.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. They like the guy. They buy the stupid hat. They proceed to wear the stupid hat.
3. They hate political correctness.
If they hate rules that are designed to not hurt people's feelings, they might be a Trump supporter.
4. And they will stop at nothing to tell you that they hate political correctness.
If they hate rules designed to not hurt people's feelings and won't shut up about it then the odds are quite high that you have found yourself a Trump supporter.
5. They find NASCAR entertaining.
I don't know this for a fact but I just know it's true. NASCAR is all about winning, loved by white people, and shamelessly sells advertisements to the American people. This just has Trump all over it.
6. They believe strongly that the United States is so much more star-spangled awesome than any other country on Earth and every other country is ripping us off.
That's right. Most Trump supporters view America as the world's Globo gym, "Here in America, we're better than you! And we know it!" If someone you know has that mentality they may just be a Trump supporter.
7. They believe that guns are their weaponized infants and they will protect them with their lives.
Yes, you read that right. If someone you meet has an obsession with guns and constantly cleans their pistol while maintaining eye contact they might be a psychopath. Or if they have one of the other traits listed above, they might be a Trump supporter!
8. They believe Obama is an intellectual douche.
Stupid Obama and his "facts!" If they hate Obama as much as schools hate lowering tuition then you've definitely got a Republican. Now if you multiply that hate by 10, you should have a Trump supporter.
9. They have truck nuts.
Once again, I don't know this for a fact, but I just know it's true.
10. They, like the Donald himself, would like to date his daughter.
OK this one is a lie. Yes, Trump supporters may want to date Ivanka but so do I. This maybe the one bipartisan thing Trump has going for him.