We all know the feeling that we start to get those one or two weeks before school is about to start back. It's a mix of excitement and dread, and you're not really sure which one is winning. But then there are the constant reminders that the end of sleeping in and relaxing by the beach (or working and interning) is not far away.
1. You get asked multiple times a day when you are going back to school.
Followed up by, "When do classes start?" And at this point you're starting to get all the dates confused.
2. Most of your friends have already gone back to school.
And you've seen all the Snapchat stories and Instagram posts to prove it.
3. Every store you go to has back-to-school signs.
Some even have their fall (and winter) decorations out as if they are hurrying summer along.
4. Your room turns into a pile of boxes, school supplies, to-do lists and clothes.
But on top of packing and organizing, you still haven't completed the to-do list you made back in May.
5. You start getting emails from your professors.
But you try to ignore them because you're not ready to be reminded that summer is almost over.
6. Your week is filled up with doctor, dentist and hair appointments.
Because you have to be on the top of your game to start the new semester.
7. You start filling up your planner with an attempt to get organized before the stress begins.
But seeing everything you have going on when you get back and realizing how far away the next break is just stresses you out even more.
8. Last minute lunches with friends, pool and beach trips.
Who knows when you'll make it to the beach next.
9. You're texting all your friends from school.
You can't wait to see them and everyone has been counting down for weeks.
10. You've already cried a few times.
Partly because summer is ending, but mostly because you aren't ready to leave your pet.
Even though we're all a little disappointed to see summer end this means that we are getting back to our friends, fall weather, jeans, boots and college! And we're all so ready.