It's the best time of the year. Everyone is stress-free, tan, finished with exams, and ready to go to the beach for the next three months -- until the chaos starts again.
1. Victoria's Secret bathing suits are everywhere.
2. There are cute guys driving in their jeeps with the tops down.
3. Girls start drinking green juice and eating salad.
4. You have bug bites all over your legs.
5. No one has any desire or intentions to do their homework.
6. Tomatoes, corn, and watermelon are all in season.
7. There is one nice beach day in April, and all your friends are fried the next day at school.
8. Outdoor movie theaters and farmers markets are open.
9. All your friends start playing that one song they listen to on repeat all summer that you will be so sick of by the time September comes.
10. You have that sad feeling from saying goodbye to all of your friends until the fall.