It's a small world, and so are some towns. If you live in a small town, you probably went to a small high school like me! Embrace your small town/high school roots and check out these 10 signs you can probably relate to.
- Everyone looks at you with a shocked expression when you tell them your graduating class was under 100 people.
- Then they respond with, “And I thought my high school was small!”
- You knew everyone in the school by name.
- You started kindergarten with most of the people you graduated with.
- You knew everyone’s (including staff and faculty’s) family and were friends with them.
- There was that one male teacher every girl was attracted to.
- More than likely, at least one of your parents or older family members went to the same high school and were taught by some of the same teachers.
- If a new person came, everyone knew their full name and life story by second hour.
- Even though we were a small school, we had the biggest pep block with the most pride for our athletes and teams.
- In the end, we were all one big family.