It's that time of year again. You can see it in the eyes of your teachers and the tears of your classmates. That unfortunate time of year between Thanksgiving and Christmas break where hearts are broken, GPA's either rise or fall and coffee shoppes are flooded with struggling students.
1. Everyone all of a sudden cares about their grades
2. Sleep is a rare blessing
3. Coffee is the only thing keeping you alive
4. Countdowns somehow make the days more bearable
5. You would do anything to be back at Grandmas eating Turkey and pumpkin pie
6. Ugly sweater parties are about the only thing worthy enough to stop studying for
7. "D's get degrees" is more of a lifestyle then a motto
8. You left how much you care about your looks in the back pocket of the jeans that you aren't going to wear
9. Giving a friend a scantron and a #2 pencil is the definition of true friendship
10. Every other commitment and relationship is put on hold and all that matters is getting a C in History class.
You are on the final lap and you can see the light at the tunnel. Keep depriving yourself of sleep and sunshine, the end is near. Your GPA will thank you for your lack of social life. Good luck and may Starbucks be with you!