Making decisions is hard. Making good decisions that benefit not only yourself, but those around you is a status of difficulty only true adults can
reach. Want to know if you've gotten this accolade of "real grownup"? If you've successfully done most of these, I'd say you have little else to
worry about in life.
1. You eat your vegetables, every day
Those green things you either despised as a child or completely ignored the benefits of as a teen, are now something you completely depend on to make sure everything functions correctly.
2. You've stopped eating in bed
Okay, we've all been known to sneak snacks into our comfy sheets in the middle of the night. We've all also been known to spill orange juice on our 800-thread count sheets and cream down comforter. Real adults, however, don't do this. You bought that 6-piece IKEA dining table for a reason.
3. You can parallel park
It's a mystical skill that only the highest of adults seem to have. If you can do it, consider yourself among the high ranking class of "Grownup Ish".
4. You clean out the coffee filter after every use
This has been the subject of many quarrels in my home. It's simple, yes but for some reason so hard to remember to do.
5. Your car smells nice
Adultstake the time and consideration to make sure every aspect of their life is, for lack of a better word, "show-offable". A car that smells like sandalwood and pina-colada instead of burger grease means grownup choices are being made.
6. You get to work on time, consistently
This is pretty self-explanatory. Being late is quite childish. Adults either make sure to always leave early or be early. And if being late is unavoidable, they always make sure to call ahead.
7. Your friends live separate from you
There is just something about having your own place that shouts "Responsible, careful, and wise adult". That and owning a car.
8. You have your own Netflix/Hulu account
Move over, mom and dad, this adult's got their own profile now...where our TV show and movie choices are not out in the open to be judged.
9. You make your own doctor/dentist appointments
You didn't run straight to mom or the ever-reliable Google to discern just what that rash really is. Instead, you picked up the phone and dialed your local medicine man. Gold star!
10. You take responsibility for yourself
The most important quality of an adult. This
comes in many forms, from cleaning up messed you know you made, to
apologizing to your roommate after you wore her favorite dress and
stained it. Real adults don't let their mistakes define them.