Growing up Baptist is a whole different ballgame. Everything in your life follows the traditions of the Baptist community. From the way you eat to the way you dress, and everything in between. Personally I grew up in a more Southern Baptist family. It's a little more strict, but tons of fun. With going away to college, changes came. The moment I got tattoos, piercings, and shaved part of my hair my grandparents were in shock. Though I don't have a problem with the decisions or the Baptist lifestyle, there are a few things that define a Baptist way of living from other lifestyles. So if you see me or someone else that has these characteristics you'll know why.
These are a few ways that you know you were raised Baptist:
1. First things first, everyone in your family serves in the church. Whether they are VBS cookie helpers or pastors.
2. Every Sunday is a reason for potluck dinner. The message preaches against gluttony, but after the sermon you sit down to a buffet.
3. You've known your husband since you were playing in the nursery together. My parents and all of their friends are prime examples of this.
4. Going to a private school or being homeschooled were the only two options according to the Baptist family.
6. You have your favorite hymnal number memorized. Mine is #303 Amazing Grace!
7. Women don't wear pants. You wear your skirt or dress as a girl, and nice pants, shirt, and tie as a young man.
8. Sunday school has become a requirement. It may not require it in the Bible, but if you don't show up to Sunday school, the teacher will call you to make sure you're okay.
9. You know you're Baptist when you brag about your grandfather's lengthy prayers. The record to date is 45 minutes (yes, my food was cold).
10. The King James Version (KJV) is the only version period.