For some people, their significant other is someone that they lean on for comfort, support, and guidance when they need it most. For me, I find that comfort in my favorite mug. I am a coffee addict through and through. Here are 10 signs coffee is actually your soul mate, too.
Your one true love might be coffee if....
1. You think about coffee almost all of the time.
2. You spend your morning planning out when you're going to have your next cup of coffee.
3. Your local Starbucks knows it's always a venti.
4. You're a coffee snob and think you have better taste than anyone else. A frappe? Please, that doesn't even count as real coffee!
5. Coffee is your reward for accomplishing literally anything. You went to all of your classes today? Coffee for you!
6.Sometimes you forget that there are other drinks... And food, too. Have I ever skipped a meal because I wanted coffee instead? Guilty.
7. One or all of the pretty mugs from Starbucks are on your Christmas list...
8. You get emotional when you don't get your fix. Coffee withdrawal is real.
9.You can't go without three or four cups of coffee a day. How will you function?
10. You consider the word "decaf" a vulgar word.