Pregnancy can be unexpected or planned, however, either way it is sometimes hard to tell if you can be expecting a bundle of joy. Here are the ten signs you are pregnant with a food baby.
1. You have recently eaten a lot of food
2. You have been trying to have a child
3. You have eaten something that resembles the shape of a baby
4. It is Thanksgiving
5. You're at your grandmother's house
6. You go "oh no I can't eat another bite" when you see food
7. Your stomach is sticking out a bit more
8. Your baby, if you're pregnant with a baby, kicks you to let you know you are full
9. You have been struck by the urge to go into a deep hibernation
10. You're reading this article
Having a food baby can be shocking, but it is also exciting! And there are tons of guides and tutorials on how to go on this journey. You don't have to do it alone.