Plymouth State University is a home away from home. Being a Panther means being proud of your university and of what Plymouth has to offer. Your wardrobe is filled with dark green clothing to represent our colors. No matter how long you've been at Plymouth you know these things to be true.
1. You have at least one selfie with the Robert Frost statue.
Here at Plymouth State, Robert Frost is a celebrity. Sure, he only worked here for a year, but that year put Plymouth on the map. To commemorate him, there's a statue in front of Rounds and it's a right of passage to take at least one selfie with Rob before you graduate.
2. You've always wondered how the pumpkins end up on top of Rounds.
Every year like clockwork, in the fall two small pumpkins mysteriously appear on top of Rounds Hall's clock tower and every year students try to figure out who put them there. It remains a mystery and perhaps it always will.
3. You know all the campus celebrities.
Whether it's Marge at the Daily Paw, Dana for an omelet in Prospect, or Taco Mary in the Union Grille, you know who I'm talking about. At least one campus worker knows you by name and you never fail to say hello to them throughout your day.
4. You know the shuttle will always be late and you plan accordingly.
"Okay, I have class at 9 AM, but if I take the 8:49 shuttle and it's late then I'll be late to class, so I guess I'll take the 8:39 shuttle." Or you just skip it all together and walk to class.
5. You're willing to wait in line at Prospect if it means getting good food.
Steak and cheese, burgers, Panther bowls, and more! Plymouth students sure love our greasy food and we're willing to wait for it too. You know the line will always be long for the favorites and you plan accordingly so you can get your mac and cheese and still make it to 5:30 lecture.
6. You and your friends have an ongoing battle on which Chinese food place is the best.
Mandarin Taste or Hong Kong Garden? We all have our favorite and are willing to defend it against our friends (Team Hong Kong all the way).
7. You have been to Keith's Pizza past midnight.
Whether you're out with friends or up late doing homework, you can always count on Keith's for a greasy slice of pizza late at night. At only $1.50 a slice, who can resist?
8. You've been asked if you go to school in Massachusetts.
"Oh Plymouth State University? So like Plymouth, Mass right? Have you been to Plymouth Rock?"
9. You look forward to Ski Day each year.
Every year PSU cancels classes for one day so students can go skiing or snowboarding. Even the students who don't know how to ski or snowboard look forward to having the day off. What other school can say they have that?
10. You always run into someone you know in the HUB.
Walking through the HUB, Plymouth State's student center, is a guaranteed way to see someone you know. Whether it's in the Fireplace Lounge or the Union Grille, you will always see a friend or maybe someone you don't want to see. I suggest taking a detour if you're late to class.