We all have those friendships where we are so blinded by our love for that person, that we don’t take notice of the little things they do or say that lead to the start of a toxic friendship. This person has played such a major role in your friendship that it hurts to think about your life without them, so you push aside the potential signs of this unhealthy relationship.
1. The constant teasing even when they know it bothers you
Your friends keep on teasing you to the point where it makes you question your own character. You feel like you’re a complete joke in the friendship and that all you are truly good for is someone to poke and prod whenever they see fit. When friends are continuously teasing you, and you make it clear to them that it bothers you, yet they just keep on doing it is a sign that your friends obviously are not taking your feelings into account and that they are just ignoring them altogether.
2. Being the third wheel
Nobody likes third-wheeling. You feel like the oddball in the friendship. You feel left out and as if you were only invited to hang out with that specific group either out of pity or because that group felt like they had to include you. If this only happens once, this feeling may only be temporary, but if it continually happens every time you guys hang out, they are most likely deliberately doing this.
3. Always the complainer, but never the listener.
We all have that one friend that constantly complains about their misfortunes, but never actually takes the time to listen to your own, even when you tell them you are not OK. They just continue to pile their issues on top of your own and never really bother to make an effort to know about yours. This is a sign that they couldn’t care less about your problems and no matter how badly you want to rant, they will only focus on themselves.
4. No effort made
If your friend does not bother to make an effort in your friendship for anything, then they obviously are not thinking about you as much as you would hope. Your friend obviously has more important things on their mind if your friendship is not considered significant in any way whatsoever. You are always the one putting effort into your friendships, initiating the plans, sending the first texts or snapchats, checking up on them when you know they are not okay, yet they do not reciprocate any of it.
5. Arguments, arguments, and more arguments
You are constantly butting heads with your friend and it wears you out. You feel as if your friendship may be hanging from a piece of thread at this point because all you guys do is fight about every little thing. This is a sign that you may be facing a possible falling out with your friend if you can no longer agree on anything.
6. The constant rejections
You make plans with your friend (well try to), but they are always turning down these plans and making up excuses as to why they can never hang out with you. How could someone always be so busy every time you want to hang out with them? Why specifically on those days, and not on others? If your friend is always turning down your plans, despite how you guys have obviously planned these in advance, then something is going on.
7. The dishonesty factor
They are always blatantly lying to your face; the loyalty your friend used to have is clearly gone because of the constant lies. You don’t even know what is and what is not real anymore in your friendship because they are constantly spitting out lies -- no matter how insane they may sound. A friend that is always lying to you is someone who simply does not belong in your life. You do not deserve to be a part of a friendship that is solely based off of petty lies. It is unhealthy and constantly brings up thoughts and feelings of uncertainty.
8. Giving you more to feel insecure about
You always feel so judged and insecure around your friend because they are always critiquing every little thing you do and what you wear. They obviously have a completely different style and way of doing things than you do, and the fact that your friend consistently points out your flaws or straight up insults what you wear and what you do because it’s different from theirs is a sign that you are friends with someone who thinks they are better than you. You feel insulted and self-conscious every time you are with them, when you should generally feel comfortable and appreciated.
9. Blabbermouth
You tell your friend all of these personal issues that you do not feel comfortable sharing with anyone else and you make that person promise never to tell anybody else. It is your secret and you obviously trust your friend enough to tell them something nobody else knows or should know. Your friend promises, but does not actually keep the promise. Your secret spreads and now everybody knows. If you can no longer trust your friend and hesitate to share even the littlest things with them because you are afraid they are going to tell people, then that is not a good sign. Loyalty and trust are important components of a healthy relationship that always need to be established otherwise there will be problems. Your friendship no longer has that if your friend is always blabbering your secrets to people who have no business knowing.
10. Forgotten as soon as they get into a relationship
Your friend just recently got a boyfriend/girlfriend and you have lost some importance in their life. Their boyfriend/girlfriend is always top priority now that they have one and you feel as if you try to hang out with your friend, the boyfriend/girlfriend will always be there. You will never have one-on-one time with your friend like you used to as long as that person is a part of their life. They always cancel on you for that person or try to find a way to include the boyfriend/girlfriend in everything you guys do and now you feel left out of everything. This is a bad sign because if this is how your friend is going to be with this boyfriend/girlfriend, chances are this is how they are going to be with every relationship they get into.
Now, this is just naming a few signs of a toxic friendship; there is a lot more to consider, unfortunately, but hopefully these signs help you distinguish between a healthy friendship and a toxic one.