1. You wear shorts and a t-shirt to tailgates.
2. You invest in cowboy boots.
These are socially acceptable to wear with everything and anything. You never thought the day would come when you had a pair in your closet, but investing in cowboy boots actually saves you money on having to buy heels and other shoes. You have to admit, they are kinda cute.
3. You learn regional abbreviations like "NOVA."
4. You cannot help but giggle when people say "y'all."
You are, you guys, everyone -- anything is better than y'all. Every once in a while it slips out and you secretly cry inside and hope this never happens when you are back at home around your Northern friends.
5. You are mortified at your growing love for country music.
You used to make fun of this music genre in high school with your friends and strictly listen to pop, hip-hop and rap. Now you find yourself humming it in the shower and singing along to it at every party. You used to be ashamed of it, but now you embrace it.
6. You are in awe of how cheap gas is.
Regardless of how much the gas prices fluctuate, they are always cheaper than the prices back home. You have thought about filling a few barrels and bringing them back home with you over break to save money.
7. You cannot stand when people complain about being cold while only wearing a North Face.
Southerner's just don't know how to dress for the weather. You need a parka that goes to your knees, wool socks, gloves, scarf and a hat. You aren't afraid to pull out the double socks on those extra chilly days. You might look like a marshmallow, but at least you are warm and not sniffling like your Southern peers.
8. You refuse to go to Sheetz because of Wawa loyalty.
You feel pity for those who have not experienced the beauty and freshness of Wawa food markets. Sheetz just cannot compare. You feel personally insulted when people are team Sheetz and even more in awe when they haven't even heard of Wawa.
9. You are jealous of those who can go home for the day.
10. You laugh at the idea of snow days.
Harrisonburg is expected to get three inches of snow and cancels school. You are happy to have a day off from class, but cannot comprehend how a few inches of snow can cause a whole town to shut down. Your southern roommates stock up on food and refuses to leave the house until all traces of snow are removed. You on the other hand, enjoy the minimum traffic and joy of driving in the snow.