“You’re sick, why do you want to be sacred?” I cannot recall how many times I have heard this statement. My parents and even some of my friends think my love for horror could almost be borderline unhealthy. With horror, I become engrossed in the sensation that it gives me. Whether it is through film, television or even going to haunted houses, the fear is exhilarating, a feeling that ONLY horror fanatics would understand.
1. You become anxious when there are no new horror films out, and that results in watching cheap B and C rated flicks in an attempt to fix your craving.
Let's be honest, halfway through the movie you are bored but continue because it's better than nothing,right?
2. Haunted houses are a regular routine.
Yes, Halloween Horror Nights is an annual occurrence in October, but why stop there when you can go to different haunted houses all year around.
3. You wish Halloweentown was a real place,only scarier.
How cool would it be to live in a town full of creepy faces like this.
4. You have a section in your home dedicated to all things horror, which ranges from scary books, to film to music. That is normal right?
Yes I said music. Let's be frank, turning off all the lights and putting on creepy music is kind of the best thing ever.
5. Within the first twenty minutes of a horror flick,if you have not jumped out of your seat you want you're money back. #IAMNOTAMUSED
You NEED to get scared!
6. When you get scared to death and feel the hairs on the back of your neck go up,you get a little TOO excited.
It's quite an exhilarating feeling that can not be described.
7. There is a countdown on your phone until the release of the latest horror film.
Why can't it be out now?
8. You would rather spend a Friday night watching horror films,then going out with friends.![]()
Who cares if you are all alone and start hearing creepy noises.
9. It is pretty normal to have intense debates over good horror films.
And no,The Lazarus Effect does not count.
10. You accept the title of Horror Fanatic because obsession DOES NOT even begin to describe your love for it.
Horror is a way of life, and don't be ashamed of being a fanatic, I'm not.