It's often really difficult to decide when to cut things off with someone, especially when you start developing feelings for that person. I've witnessed it countless times, where my friends convinced themselves that the guy they were with was worth it, and each time, they've been greatly disappointed. I've been in situations where I questioned the guy but my feelings clouded my ability to realize how unhealthy the relationship was for me.
I wish I had someone to tell me what to look for so I could have avoided the heartache. Here are 10 tips that I've gathered from my personal experience and my friends' experiences with guys to help you decide if he's worth your time.
1. If he doesn't take you out... at all.
If YOU want something serious with a guy, don't settle for someone who won't treat you to a date. If he isn't willing to leave his basement or room, then he isn't willing to be serious with you.
2. If he jokes about your body or beauty.
No, it isn't funny when you joke about any part of a girl's body. If he can't give you the respect you deserve, he doesn't deserve to have you.
3. If he sounds different in text than in person.
It doesn't matter how many sweet nothings you say behind the screen of a cellphone; if you aren't willing to say those things in person, you aren't man enough for any girl.
4. If you treat her differently in private and in public.
I once was with a guy who made me feel incredible and liked when we were alone, but in front of his friends he acted like a total d-bag and made me feel trashy and used. If he acts different in front of the people he cares about, does he really care about you?
5. If he doesn't show that he cares.
Has he ever asked how you were? Has he ever texted you good morning or good night? Has he ever just listened to you while you talked about anything and nothing at all? If he hasn't, he doesn't care.
6. If all of your interactions are sexual.
If what YOU want is a relationship with him, he isn't worth it if all he WANTS is to lay on the couch and make out. You're relationship needs to be built on more then just sex.
7. If he can't hold a conversation.
Do you really think you can date a guy if he won't talk to you?
8. If he talks about being with other girls.
...COME ON GIRLS! He's just not worth it.
9. If he can't DTR.
DTR: define the relationship. If it has been weeks, or months, and you still don't know what you are, whether that be exclusive or in a relationship, then he's avoiding that definition on purpose. He doesn't want what you want, and you should let him go.
10. If you aren't comfortable being yourself around him.
The most important thing to look for in a guy is that he likes you when you're in a big t-shirt with no makeup just as much as he likes you dressed up and made up. If you overthink what you say and do around him, then you aren't meant to be together. You have to be able to geek out and have fun without the fear of what he thinks about you, because if he cares, he thinks you're wonderful no matter what.
To all my girlfriends out there, find someone who shows you your worth everyday that you're together. Remember, you're worth so much more than you can imagine, and if he can't see that, don't see him.