Now there's no need to start the argument "not all men." Anyone can make the argument "not all men..." whether or not you agree there are some things a good majority of men do. Hey, maybe they don't do it intentionally. Our society has taught us some bad values and has let many people get away with some terrible things. But let's not start with an argument of not all men when yes all women have experienced some of these things before.
Frankly when we are taught to see one gender as superior to the other, a problem already exists. When we look at our society and how we have condition ourselves to treat what is feminine, some behaviors only seem natural to some people, but really are disrespectful and degrading. If you have ever questioned if anyone in your life a friend, boyfriend relative etc. was a meninist maybe you should pay more attention to the signs.
1. He mansplains
Women/Fem's are not unfamiliar with the term "Mansplaining." It's almost a constant thing that happens when you talk about something and a man gives you his unsolicited advise/opinion about it. It's even more common when people at the margins talk about their experience being oppressed.
2. He thinks catcalls are complements
I don't know how many times someone has to make a video with hidden cameras to prove street harassment is real. There is nothing you can say while I'm walking down the street to make me interested in you especially if you're yelling at me. Telling me to smile isn't going to get you anywhere, so stop telling women/fems to do it they don't owe you shit bro.
3. He slut shames
Anyone who's opened a dictionary knows there isn't a list of words ever created to describe a sex positive women/fem. Here's a thing calling someone a "slut" or a "hoe"
1. It isn't going to make them like you or respect you
and 2. it's not ok. How about you mind your own business. Women/fem's can take ownership of their body and their actions they don't need your opinion.
4. He calls you crazy, bossy, bitch etc.
Words like these get thrown around whenever we hear someone describe a woman. If she seems emotional bitch crazy. If she is in a potion of power over a man she's bossy and a bitch. There isn't a middle ground because for insecure men, women have to be beneath them somehow.
5. He sends you an unsolicited picture
Bra if we don't ask, do not send anything. There's nothing remotely interesting about seeing your junk without asking to. Ain't nobody going to praise you for that.
6. He doesn't understand consent
No actually means no. It does not mean maybe or ask me in five minutes. If there's not an enthusiastic yes than it's not consent.
7. He lashes out when he gets rejected
Still not understanding the concept of no. When you reject him he has a tendency to lash out call you a bitch, a slut, a whore to make himself feel better. Things can very well escalate to physical violence at times and especially for trans women it can become a life and death situation. Little boys will throw tantrums because they have been taught that women/fem's are like toys.
8. He shuts you down
This happens so much more then anyone would think. When women/fem's have an idea they don't want to listen. When someone talks to them about the state of racism in our country "nope" doesn't exist. Bring up cat calling and sorry can't hear you. They aren't willing to budge on anything.
9. He believes feminism equals man hating
This pretty much explains itself. If you believe women/fem's/everyone deserves equitable rights you must be a bra burning, man hating, lesbian. Please let me roll my eyes at this so hard.
10. He says no homo
There comes a time in life when someone has to prove their heterosexuality which should be never. When phrases like this get thrown around you know masculinity is a fragile thing and he might very well be homophobic and transphobic. What's to stop him from using slurs to get across his manliness. Honestly stop.
Not all men... ok we get it. Yes all women. If any of these things happen to you maybe dealing with a meninist and I'm sorry about that. Meninism isn't only for men as women and anyone can identify as meninists and you can use some of these signs to find out. Asking also works and hey if you're into that then you do you.