When you grow up in a town, there are certain things about that town that everyone knows about. Growing up in Fairview, Tennessee, (a very small, close town), has given me the opportunity to be a part of a small community that loves and cares about each other. There are some signs that of you're from Fairview, so you might understand what they mean ...
1. The "Shady" Shell
There is this small Shell Gas Station heading out of town that everyone refers to as the "shady" Shell. Of course there isn't anything really shady about it, but it's been around for a long time, so it's a little old looking.
2. Jingo
If you're from Fairview, you know that Jingo is not just the little market in the middle of Fairview, but also was the original name of our town.
3. Stop Lights
If you're from Fairview you can count how many stop lights are in our town on one hand. All of these stop lights have just popped up only in the last decade.
4. Stop n' Save Breakfast
If you're from Fairview and need to stop and get something quick for breakfast, you know that you can't beat Stop n' Save's biscuits and gravy.
5. Crushes
If you're from Fairview, you know that before you even think about asking anyone out on a date, you have to check with your grandparents because you might be related to them. Both sides of my family live here, so I always asked my family before I even started liking anyone just to be sure. The dating pool is pretty limited. I recommend dating outside of Fairview.
6. Family
If you're from Fairview, you'll understand that it's completely normal to go out and accidentally have a mini family reunion at a restaurant because you're related to half the town. Plus, you can pretty much map out your entire family tree just by walking down the Alumni Hall at the high school. You're definitely from Fairview if your teachers taught either your parents or your grandparents.
7. Football Games
If you're from Fairview, you know that Friday nights in the fall are specifically reserved for football games. You can expect to see just about everyone you know or are related to in town.
8. Tractors
If you're from Fairview, it isn't weird that the high school has a "Drive Your Tractor to School Day," or if you get stuck behind a tractor on the main road heading home it is normal.
9. Small Town
If you're from Fairview, you won't be surprised if your dad finds out you were speeding before you get home. News travels fast in a small town. Sometimes people find out things that have to do with you even before you do.
10. Bowie
If you're from Fairview, you know that our beautiful Bowie Nature Park was given to us by Dr. Bowie.
11. Dos Margaritas Coming Soon
You're from Fairview, if you remember seeing "Dos Margaritas Coming Soon" for about two years. We patiently waited to have that second Mexican restaurant.
12. High School
If you're from Fairview, it's not strange that your high school is built completely backwards and you have to live with it. The front door is at the back of the school and the back door is facing the highway.