Finals season is upon us, and you know when it's time to at least pretend you've been studying your life away. So, grab those note cards, type those final words, and see if finals have succeeded in killing your soul as much as the kid next to you:
1.) When it seems as if you've hit the end of the road and you realize you have five days left...
Learning how to disappear never seemed so important.
2.) When you go to the library and you look over to see someone who's been camped out in the stacks for weeks... at least hope that the library has sufficient showers...
3.) Finals means you haven't slept in days and someone asks how you're feeling...
"I'm fine!"
4.) When you've drank so much coffee that you start walking around like this
and invent dance moves that no one knew about.
5.) Turning in term papers at 11:58 PM and hoping that doesn't crash...
and when it does you shout out loud.
6.) When you get to the test and you hear those two people studying REALLY loudly before the test...
NEWSFLASH: By this point, either you've studied or haven't.
7.) Staring at the final, hoping to divine the answers
and nothing comes to mind.
8.) And after the final, when everyone starts talking about the answers, you realize that you may have gotten the wrong one...
and you begin to fight with the person, hoping you're right.
9.) Finally finishing all the exams, papers, and tests like...
10.) ...And realizing you have to do it all again next quarter...