We all know that one person, maybe it's yourself, that is completely, and utterly, unhealthily obsessed with their cat(s) (or just cats in general). All you hear them talk about is their cat, or some adorable cat video they watched on the internet...or more specifically, about the montage of videos of cats jumping at the sight of cucumbers (if you haven't seen it, check it out here). The only reason they're probably excited to go home for break is because it means they get cat snuggles. But sometimes, if we're looking at ourselves, wondering if we are in fact turning into a crazy cat lady, we say, "No! That's not me! I just really love my cat...". Well, just in case you're still unsure of weather or not you have the early onset of "Crazy Cat Lady" Syndrome, here are some common symptoms:
1. You show people pictures of your cat(s) as if they were your children
The best part, is that you're probably showing your friends a picture you've already shown them...and already posted on Instagram...and Facebook...and Twitter...and everywhere else possible because your cat is just that purrfect.
2. You frequently make terrible cat puns
You think they're absolutely hilarious, but all of your friends are thinking, "you have got to be kitten me right meow."
3. You talk about your cat(s) all the time as if they were your significant other
"Oh my god, yesterday morning, I woke up to Dylan kissing my forehead!" is usually immediately followed by, "I forgot to mention that Dylan is actually my cat."
4. Speaking of significant others, you often find yourself saying, "Who needs a boyfriend when I have my cat?"
Because seriously, who really needs a boyfriend when you have an adorable, fluffy, occasionally cuddly cat to come home to? Your cat won't sit there and say, "I don't care where we go to dinner, it's whatever you want." Besides, no matter how much your cat hates that way you consistently force love upon them, they'll never leave you and will always love you at the end of the day.
5. You find yourself wondering what your cat does when you're not home
Honestly, we all know the truth. We know that they're either sleeping in a strange place or playing with something they shouldn't play with. But that's okay, we can sit and pretend like they're patiently waiting at the front door for us to come home...because that's what cats do, they totally care...not.
6. You probably own a few too many items with cats on them
Lots of these clothing articles are probably a massive mistake. In fact, every time you swipe your credit card for a cat-related clothing purchase, you can hear Simon Cowell grumbling in the back of your mind, "It's a no from me." But hey, at least the cats are cute, right?
7. You have zero issue sharing your food with your cat(s)
You don't even care who's watching. You have no shame. You think it's cute.
8. A typical daydream of yours is what your cat(s) would look like dressed up
Despite how you think this might go, it probably won't end well. You're lucky if you can get them to keep the costume on for a few minutes (unless your cat is like my cat: a total weirdo that will actually go fetch his costume and bring it to you so that you can put it on for him). They will probably not enjoy a single moment of these festivities.
9. Almost every video in your phone is of your cat(s) doing something stupid
Okay, maybe not every video is of them doing something stupid; some of them are adorable. But most of them are stupid because let's face it, cats do some pretty stupid things sometimes.
10. Lastly, the thing you think about the most: the day you get to own as many cats as you want, and NO ONE can stop you
Even Taylor Swift knows what's up. There's no such thing as too many cats, right?
There are plenty of other symptoms of this syndrome, but nothing to be alarmed about. Side effects may include: constantly being covered in cat hair, sneezing from being covered in cat hair, and your heart exploding from how cute cats are.
From one Crazy Cat Lady to another: embrace it!